Classical Art

A six-fold screen with grape vines

A six-fold screen with a covey of uzura and chicks

A two-fold screen with the Uji River and its bridge

An eight-fold screen depicting flowers of the four seasons

A six-fold screen with a cherry tree

A two-fold screen with a river landscape

A two-fold screen with chrysanthemums

A pair of six-fold paper screens with the Plains at Musashino

A pair of four-fold screens with kuri flowers

A two-fold screen with court ladies

Four fusuma by Nagasawa Rosetsu

A six-fold screen with autumn flowers and grasses

A six-fold paper screen with poem slips

A pair of six-fold screens with scattered fans

A paper screen with the Uji river and its bridge

A pair of six-fold screens with poem slips from the 17th century

A two-fold lacquer screen with a persimmon tree

A six-fold paper screen with the Plains at Musashino

A four-fold screen with horses
Buddhist Art

Jizō Bosatsu

A kakemono with the monk Hōnen

A kakebotoke

Buddhist wood panels

A wood figure of Amida Nyorai, Heian/Kamakura period

Kakebotoke of Bishamonten

Dainichi Nyorai

Daiarakan (Sacred Arhat)

Amida Buddha

A silk kakemono with Kannon

An iron nyoi

Zushi with Kannon

A bronze kakebotoke of Kannon

Zenkoji Kannon Bosatsu

Amida Buddha
Works of Art

A ceramic vase by Makuzu Kōzan II

A wood Noh mask of Koomote

A bronze flower vessel

A Suiseki (viewing stone)

A kakebotoke

A ceramic te-aburi (hand warmer)

A wood Kyōgen mask of Usobuki

A suiseki (viewing stone) of vertical form with a natural striation resembling a waterfall, with wood stand

A Chinese bronze censer

A Tokoname storage jar

A Suiseki (viewing stone)

A Suiseki (viewing stone)

A Chinese Suiseki (viewing stone)

A black lacquer bon (tray)

An iron nyoi

A Tokoname storage jar

A bronze flower vessel of mimikuchi

A bronze hanging flower vessel

A pottery kake hanaire (hanging flower vessel)

A red lacquer Kamakura-bori dai-kogo (incense box)

A bronze brazier

A Lacquered Shield

A bronze brazier
Modern Art

Untitled by Suda Kokuta

Sakuhin B by Suda Kokuta

Kō (Suburbs) by Yamaguchi Takeo

Shizenshi / Histoire Naturel (2) by Key Sato

En (Circle) by Morita Shiryū

Untitled by Kokuta Suda

Untitled by Suda Kokuta

Untitled by Suda Kokuta

Untitled by Suda Kokuta

Sakuhin 9 by Suda Kokuta

Sakuhin (Work) by Shinoda Toko

#D-133 by Tadasky (Tadasuke Kuwayama)

Untitled by Suda Kokuta

E-148 by Tadasky (Kuwayama Tadasuke)

Untitled by Key Sato

Colour no.96 by Masaaki Yamada

Untitled by Imai Toshimitsu

Untitled by Moon Seung Keun

Ryū (dragon) by Morita Shiryu

Ciel Figé by Key Sato

Shoku (Belonging) by Inoue Yuichi
Works on paper

Work on paper by Suda Kokuta

Work on paper by Suda Kokuta

Work on paper by Suda Kokuta

Noh Play “Shite” by Shinoda Toko

FAINT by Shinoda Toko

Work on paper by Suda Kokuta

Work on paper by Suda Kokuta

Work on paper by Suda Kokuta

Work on paper by Suda Kokuta

Work on paper by Suda Kokuta

Untitled by Suda Kokuta

Untitled by Suda Kokuta